Mapping! - Ultimate GPS Logger

The point of Mapping! is to turn your casual everyday life into a game! No annoying entries or functions. Just keep moving, and you wil... [Read More]

LiveFromMe for iOS&Android!

There was a time when being on Television was a really big deal. You had to know someone in the business, have lots of connections or be ... [Read More]

Tiny Spirit - Adventures In Limbo for iPhone&iPad!

They say all things come to light. In a nice departure from games which the objective is to save the princess, look for keys, collect coi... [Read More]

Textual Watch Face for Android!

Innovation is required to keep people interested in old things that are taken for granted. Take television for example, Jimmy Fallon brou... [Read More]

Rabbit The Pirate for Android!

If you are searching for an alternate universe where rabbits navigate the galaxy and visit space wheels instead of planets, and where hyp... [Read More]

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